“Double Strike is special—funny, unique, and I love Davis.” – Janet Evanovich
One year after the crazy events at Biloxi, Mississippi’s grand Bellissimo Resort and Casino involving a missing personal assistant, an ex-ex husband sleeping with the boss’s spoiled wife, and MIA elderly casino patrons, Davis Way is finally ready to marry the man of her dreams: Bradley Cole.
Davis should know by now that things never go smoothly as a Super Secret Spy at the Bellissimo. In DOUBLE STRIKE: A Davis Way Crime Caper (Henery Press, ISBN: 978-1-94097-633-4, Original Trade Paperback, October 2014) by USA Today Bestseller Gretchen Archer, our favorite redhead returns with her energetic security associates No Hair and Fantasy, plus the addition of brainless ladies’ man Baylor, to face her most dangerous case yet. Casino owner Richard Sanders has hired a new manager who looks like David Hasselhoff. He decides to renovate part of the casino for the Strike it Rich Sweepstakes—an operation so secret that the security team isn’t even allowed in. No Hair enlists Davis to go undercover as an assistant to Hasselhoff’s social media manager, Elspie, who uses hashtags for #everything and drives Davis #crazy.
Balancing her home and work life is harder than ever, and Davis discovers that she may still be married to her ex-ex husband, which further complicates her wedding plans with Bradley Cole. To make matters worse, Richard and Bianca Sanders’ son returns home from school for fall break after getting into trouble with his friend Quinn Jennings. They appoint Davis as his babysitter. The plot thickens when it looks like Quinn Jennings’ parents may be involved in a monetary scheme with Hasselhoff and the Strike it Rich (#StrikeItRich) Sweepstakes…
With a trail that leads back to her hometown of Pine Apple, Alabama, Davis finds herself involved in a Christmas tree farm shoot-out, a sleazy lawyer who is after her for stealing his car, and a $40,000 milk-soaked fur coat that starts some hair-singeing alarm bells. Will Davis ever regain her footing in her relationship with Bradley Cole and marry someone who isn’t her shady ex-ex husband?
DOUBLE STRIKE: A VIP invitation to an extraordinary high-stakes gaming event, as thieves, feds, dance instructors, shady bankers, kidnappers, and gold waiters go all in. #DontMissIt
About Gretchen Archer:
Gretchen Archer is a Tennessee housewife who began writing when her daughters, seeking higher educations, left her. She lives on Lookout Mountain with her husband, son, and a Yorkie named Bently. DOUBLE STRIKE is the third book in the Davis Way Crime Caper series.
About Henery Press:
Henery Press an independent publisher in the mystery and suspense genre focused on engaging stories with sharp twists and lively characters. To learn more about Henery Press, please visit