“Carrie Rubin tackles obesity, fat-shaming, and bullying in this unique and original psychological thriller certain to keep you thinking long after you’ve finished reading.”
— Maddie Cochere, author of the Susan Hunter cozy mystery series
“A fast-paced thriller with a climax that nails it.”
— Frederick Anderson, author of I Am Cara, The Butterfly Man, and Hallbury Summer
The American food environment has exploded over the last three decades, with fast-food restaurants and junk-filled convenience stores populating nearly every street. Food manufacturers’ unhealthy combinations of fat, sugar, salt, and hard-to-pronounce ingredients have contributed to widespread obesity and food addiction. Carrie Rubin, a physician and public health advocate, explores this issue in her new page-turner of a medical thriller, EATING BULL, an exhilarating story of murder and a commentary on the reality of food addiction and the food industry’s role in it.
A Thiller
By: Carrie Rubin
In EATING BULL, Jeremy is a lonely, obese teenager in Ohio who struggles with being overweight, bullying, a lack of friends, and an undesirable home life with his fat-shaming, offensive grandfather who regularly harasses him. Sue is a public health nurse with a rigid view of right and wrong and a long list of enemies. In the emergency room, Sue overhears another nurse belittle Jeremy about his weight, and she pulls Jeremy and his mother aside to persuade him to sue the food industry for contributing to his obesity.
Jeremy accepts Sue’s challenge, but when word gets out Jeremy is the plaintiff in the case, the students at school torment him even more, nicknaming him “Eating Bull” and calling him a coward for blaming others for his size. To make things worse, there’s a murderer on the loose who is stalking and killing overweight people—Darwin, an obsessive-compulsive germaphobe who is repulsed by the obese and who sees them as pathetic “sheep”. With Jeremy’s story saturating the media, Darwin chooses the teenager as his next target, making a statement to America that obese people are society’s weak link. As the murderer circles closer, it’s up to Jeremy to prove to Darwin, the nation, and himself that he is not the faint-hearted, overweight teenager everybody believes he is.
In a fight against the food industry that turns deadly, EATING BULL is a fast-paced and entertaining thriller with a unique exploration of the real-life issues of bullying, food addiction, and the food industry’s role in obesity.
About the author:
Carrie Rubin is a physician with a master’s degree in public health. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two sons, and is the author of The Seneca Scourge. Visit her website and blog at www.carrierubin.com.
By Carrie Rubin
ScienceThrillers Media
Publication Date: November 2015
ISBN 9781940419107
Original Trade Paperback & E-book
Price: $14.99 / $4.99
310 pages