Everyone feels sad or down from time to time, but ongoing unhappiness could mean there’s something more going on. You could be almost depressed—stuck in the place between basic sadness and diagnosable clinical depression—which may be preventing you from having a healthy and productive life.
In fact, a recent study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed a cross section of more than 235,000 adults in the United States and found that just over 9 percent were suffering from two or more symptoms of depression. About 4 percent could be diagnosed as clinically depressed, leaving 5 percent of those surveyed experiencing symptoms without a diagnosable condition and, therefore, no plan for treatment.
In ALMOST DEPRESSED: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Unhappiness a Problem? (Harvard Health Publications/Hazelden Publishing; October 2013; $14.95), doctors Jefferson Prince, MD, (Harvard Medical School) and Shelley Carson, PhD, (Harvard University) thoroughly examine the symptoms of depression proven to cause suffering. They offer self-assessment tools for determining whether your unhappiness or lackluster feelings about life are rooted in symptoms of depression and then provide clear, research-based behavioral, psychological, social, and biological techniques for relieving those symptoms. Prince and Carson outline these solutions, which are applied routinely by doctors and therapists in the field, in structured, easy steps for those who are almost depressed. Includes case studies of real people who have successfully changed their approach to the world because of these practices.
ALMOST DEPRESSED will help you determine the proper course of action, change how you manage situations, and improve your outlook for a positive and fulfilling future.
Jefferson Prince, MD serves as the director of child psychiatry at MassGeneral for Children at North Shore Medical Center, is a staff member in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, and is an instructor at Harvard Medical School.
Shelley Carson, PhD is a Harvard research psychologist and lecturer whose research focuses on the interface between psychopathology, creativity, and resilience.
The Almost Effect series presents books written by Harvard Medical School faculty and other experts that offer guidance on common behavioral and physical problems falling in the spectrum between normal health and a full-blown medical condition. These are the first publications to help general readers recognize and address these problems.