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Sobriety: A Graphic Novel by Daniel D. Maurer

9781616495572_617d2FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

Hazelden Publishing, the leader of informative books about conquering addiction, is releasing for the first time, a recovery tool exclusively in the form of a graphic novel. SOBRIETY: A Graphic Novel (Hazelden Publishing; October 2014; $19.95; Original Trade Paperback), written by Daniel D. Maurer and illustrated by Spencer Amundson, is unique in its approach and captivating in its presentation. This reliable source helps those in recovery while supplying creative, visual stimulation for teenagers and adults alike.

This graphic novel focuses on five individuals, each battling his or her specific addiction while being part of a Twelve Step group. Larry has been a long-time attendee, believes in the principles of the Big Book, and remains sober, despite the recent passing of his wife. Debby, a working mother of two children, tried balancing it all but her drinking began controlling her. Matt, a user of crystal meth, began stealing to support his habit until he was taken into custody by law enforcement. Hannah, only a teenager, was once an honor student until she became hooked on pain medication. And Alex, a native of the United Kingdom now living in the United States, resides in a recovery house, where he is six months in recovery from opiates.

These individuals all have one thing in common: the desire for betterment with each other’s help through their Twelve Step group. By sharing stories of their struggles and providing hope for each other, Larry, Debby, Matt, Hannah, and Alex all realize that they are not alone in the battle to remain sober.

SOBRIETY: A GRAPHIC NOVEL stands apart from other addiction recovery resources because it:

  • Appeals to teenagers and adults through its presentation as a graphic novel
  • Uses well-developed characters to take readers deep into the world of a recovery group member
  • Narrates the trials and tribulations of addicts who have diverse backgrounds and lifestyles
  • Explains the challenges of recovery and how the power of the Twelve Steps can help overcome them
  • Offers hope for addicts and proves that sobriety can be attained

Through rich illustration and narrative, SOBRIETY: A GRAPHIC NOVEL offers an inside look into recovery from the perspectives of five Twelve Step group members, each with a different set of addictions, philosophies, struggles, and successes while working the Steps.

Daniel D. Maurer is a freelance writer, producer of graphic novels, and a former Lutheran minister. He is currently working on publishing an exposé to address the problem of human trafficking of boys in the United States. He is openly in recovery and lives in St. Paul with his family. 

Spencer Amundson, a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, is a freelance comic artist and illustrator. He is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and lives in Minneapolis.

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation helps people reclaim their lives from the disease of addiction. It is the nation’s largest nonprofit treatment provider, with a legacy that began in 1949 and includes the 1982 founding of the Betty Ford Center. With 15 sites in California, Minnesota, Oregon, Illinois, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Texas, the Foundation offers prevention and recovery solutions nationwide and across the entire continuum of care for youth and adults. It includes the largest recovery publishing house in the country, a fully-accredited graduate school of addiction studies, an addiction research center, an education arm for medical professionals and a unique children’s program, and is the nation’s leader in advocacy and policy for treatment and recovery.