“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”—Albert Einstein
We all have a vision in our minds of who we want to be and possess a purpose that drives us. Whether it be for business, relationships, and lifestyle, we all strive to be better than are we today. However, most of us simply do not know how to transport that vision into reality. Linton Bergsen has been a sought-after speaker and inspired communicator and strategist who has a successful record of enhancing performance for CEOs, thought leaders, and their endeavors of all sizes.
“You cannot create anything you want from life if you cannot see it as a possibility”, says Bergsen, and now he explains how to put this and other principles to work in his new book, PURPOSEFUL VISION: See Your Vision, Know Your Purpose (Balboa Press; $8.99) With profound guidance and easy-to-follow steps, the groundwork of how to harness your imagination and thus transform your visions into reality—both in your personal and professional life—can be achieved.
Bergsen explains that the three facets of consciousness (the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious) all need to work harmoniously in order to bring a vision to reality, but that is just the beginning. Other factors, such as honing your intuition, maintaining a strong social structure, remaining active in your pursuit for excellence, and mastering self-discipline are just some of the cornerstones for reaching your potential. Important lessons are also explained, like utilizing courage to combat FEAR (false evidence appearing real) and accessing your own intuition for LUCK (living under correct knowledge), the importance of deep introspection, and how to implement strategic focus for accomplishing your goals.
PURPOSEFUL VISION will teach you:
- How the three facets of consciousness work together to help you reach your vision
- Why effective communication is vital to living your life to the fullest
- How your personal culture determines how your dreams and goals are manifested
- What the differences are between your actual state and ideal state
- Successful methods for maximizing your influence
- Why learning to control your willpower equals true freedom
“Pursue your true purpose in life by listening to the inner voice. It’s there, and it’s trying to guide you,” Bergsen illustrates. All of the attributes correlate with each other for the ultimate destination. The power to see your vision, to know your purpose, and to turn your dreams into reality is already inside you. PURPOSEFUL VISION provides the knowledge and tools to help you unlock the greatest potential—in you.
About the Author
Linton Bergsen is a sought-after speaker, author, and champion of change. An inspired communicator and strategist, he has a record of enhancing performance for individuals and companies, including start-ups, privately held businesses, and Fortune 500 industry leaders. His expertise is in leadership, personal and professional, communicating across all levels of an organization, identifying problems, and providing effective solutions. He excels in both one-on-one settings and group seminars, helping people realize their full potential.