How To Create Headlines That Get More Clicks and Conversions

This week, we invite Sarah Smith from How To Start A Blog Online for a guest post on how to create headlines that get more clicks and conversations. Thanks Sarah!

Although the content of your post is essential, it will be useless if no one reads it in its entirety. This is why emphasis on the headline must be given. This increases the chance that visitors click on the headline and eventually read what you have posted.

Giving attention on headlines to get more clicks is really important. People are easily turned off by a boring headline. Even if the content is good, they won’t know. They didn’t even click the headline in the first place.

One unique way to entice people to come and read is by creating a title based on your personal experience. For instance, the title may contain the phrases “What I have learned from” or “Lessons gained from”.

Personal experiences are more authentic. They are relatable. People don’t want to read something that is just a figment of the imagination if they are searching for tips that can be used in real life. With a post that is based on real life experience, convincing them to click and read on is easier.

Once they have clicked the link, make sure that the content is worth reading. Otherwise, they will be disappointed. If they do, there is a chance they won’t come back to read the next time around. It is like false advertising.

There are a lot more ways to create headlines that are enticing. Check out the infographic below. Once you have mastered the art of creating convincing headlines, expect more people to come and explore your website.

How To Create Headlines That Get More Clicks and Conversions (HowSBO)

Social Media 101: Pinterest Infographic

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the three most popular social media platforms out there. We’re so focused on these three that we forget there are other great, useful platforms out there – like Pinterest. Pinterest is a colorful, fun tool that you can use to promote your book or brand. This week, we have a Pinterest infographic that will help you start an account. Read a more detailed blog post on using Pinterest as an author tool here.

If you are interested in more social media platforms and how to use them, download our free social media 101 guide.

Our Pinterest Infographic:

pinterest infographic cmpr

Social Media 101: Twitter Infographic

Twitter: the online platform that authors, when asking us about social media, always seem to be the most hesitant about. While Twitter can be daunting at first, it’s actually quite useful and fun. There’s a huge audience of book lovers that use Twitter, from book bloggers to critics to consumers. With our Twitter infographic you’ll get some tips on how to reach some of these people.

This week, we have an infographic that will help you start a Twitter handle. Read a more detailed blog post on using Twitter as an author tool here.

If you are interested in more social media platforms and how to use them, download our free social media 101 guide.

Our Twitter Infographic:

Twitter Infographic

Social Media 101: Instagram Infographic

Did you know that Instagram has surpassed Twitter in mobile phone use, at over 200 million users? Imagine the audience of book lovers that is waiting for you! Instagram is a great place for bibliophiles because books are so photogenic. We have a few tips for you on using Instagram as an author tool with our Instagram Infographic. For more detailed information check out our blog post here.

If you are interested in more social media platforms and how to use them, download our free social media 101 guide.

Our Instagram Infographic:

social media instagram infographic

Social Media 101: Facebook Infographic

Sometimes, starting a new social media venture can be overwhelming. With our Social Media 101 blog post series we provide information that will help you jump start a new social media account. This week, we have a Facebook infographic that will help you start creating an author page. Read a more detailed blog post on using Facebook as an author tool here.

If you are interested in more social media platforms and how to use them, download our free social media 101 guide.

Facebook Infographic:

facebook infographic cmpr